Thursday 17 March 2011

Film Festival Websites

To start off my research I have looked at other websites for Film Festivals. The reason for doing this is to get an idea of what styles and designs other people have used. I don't want a design that has been over used previously but I want the site to be instantly recognisable as a Film Festival website.
This site is simple and plain. The design used for this would not appeal to the target audience for my brief which is teenagers. The white background would not work as teenagers react better to colours.

This site uses the same idea of having a film reel for the navigation menu. This approach has been used many of time so I want to try and stay away from this. 
I would say out of the three websites this is the most appealing but still is not great. It follows the layout of a blog so it is easy to navigation through and all of the information is readable. However when first looking at this site you can not tell that it is a film website.